Monday 30 April 2007

Bernard Loffet

Sat 28 Apr
Cecil Sharp House

A GIG CB!* evening, with special guest Bernard Loffet playing accordion. Lots of lovely tunes, and a nice variety of Breton dances; he's one of those players that makes you ask why bother with fiddles, brass, guitars, percussion - just let Bernard play, that's all you need.

Bernard makes 9 models of diatonic accordion - see them in gorgeous array on his web-site.

For the last half-hour he came down from the stage and played, sang and led the dancing, all at once. A degree of co-ordination which I didn't quite manage with my camera-phone . . .

A lovely record too, which we listened to on the way back: Moteur!, with lots of the popular dances.

*The George Inn Giant Ceilidh Band

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